Assessment 1-F-2
Materials & Resources: Key Components for Training
Key Components for Training
15 points 1-F-2 Rubric (11/15 points required for a passing grade)
Action Planning enables SAS Integration Trainers (SASITs) to identify significant aspects of the Standards Aligned System which they intend to share with training participants to enhance their understanding and use of the SAS portal. As you explore each element and tool in the SAS portal, you will also select examples for training that are appropriate for your target audience.
- Utilize the Materials & Resources Exploration document to navigate through the Materials & Resources element of the portal.
- Open the “Learning Activity 1-F-2” document here.
- In Step One of the document, identify the key components from the Materials & Resources element of the portal.
- In Step Two of the document, identify examples for each section of Materials & Resources that are relevant for your target audience.
- Save the document to your computer as 1F2_name.doc (e.g., 1F2_JoeSmith.doc)
- Use the Assignments Tool to submit your work.